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Professional speaking & mentoring

Andy share's his personal life experiences and learnings to mentor individuals about neurodiversity, lifestyle, health, well-being and battling addictions to create the right mind set conducive to better learning and personal development. 

 Andy teaches useful life skills for all in society, whether in the throws of addiction looking for a way out or audience members looking to set and execute life changing goals. Andy explains scientific principles in an upbeat and easy way to ensure the audience are educated as well as leaving the session engaged with the tools for change.


Andy's two main talks are "My Neurodiversity Superpower" and "A Better Way" which is more focused on addiction and recovery.


 Andy speaks in schools, colleges, universities, training centres, prisons, youth clubs, works place, sports club etc etc and can tailor his talk to your specific requirements and adapt his delivery to the audience from junior schools right through to adults.


Andy also does full days with vocational training or alternative leaning centres where he mentors older children and young adults on health & well being and developing ADHD coping strategies to help facilitate their learning.


Michelle Bailey – Teacher Edwinstree Middle School

"Andy was absolutely incredible! There was nothing but praise for his engagement, stories, and sheer appeal.

I had students who were neurodiverse speaking about how fantastic he was, engaging with him after for more questions. I had students who would normally not stay in the hall due to their needs, staying for all the talk (some teachers came back a second time). The teachers, then asking me throughout the day where I ‘found him’.

He was amazing and there are not enough words to say thank you to him. He pitched his talk perfectly for both the Year 5/6s and Year 7/8s.All the teachers I have spoken said he was brilliant, and I know, as throughout his talk where was a lot of standing room only in the hall!"

"My Neurodiversity superpower"

After much research I now understand my ADHD and autistic brain - it is actually my super power. I think differently and have a huge amount of mental resilience and focus when channelled correctly.

Neurodiversity can have significant impact on learning and development resulting in difficulty in both the classroom and work environment as was people become overstimulated. 1 in 5 people in the UK are neurodiverse and it's often undiagnosed.  Andy helps students understand neurodiversity and how our brains all process information differently. For people with ADHD there is often a lot of "noise" and processing of several bits of information at the same time so they can easily become overwhelmed. Andy explains what having ADHD feels like in a bid to help people to communicate more effectively with their neurodiverse peers.


Andy talks about the link between brain chemistry and neuro transmitters and the inevitable down stream behaviours. The ADHD shame cycle and how through his life he has been severally impacted by that constant feeling of failure.  Andy explores victim mindset, which is when people blame circumstances or people for why they aren't able to achieve. Finally Andy talks about the how to channel hyperfocus and go on to achieve. The goal is build awareness that some peoples brains work differently, we all have strengths, foster self-esteem, and provide practical strategies for managing neurodiversity in various aspects of life.



  • Different types of Neurodiversity

  • The ADHD shame cycle

  • Regulating emotions, impulsivity, hyperactivity as well as those ADHD dips

  • The six pillars of health

  • Channelling neurodiversity into mental focus and resilience

  • Achieving world records


Andy tailors this talk to junior schools right the way to adults varying the level of science and interaction depending on the audience



Professional speaking
ADHD shame cycle
ADHD can be overwhelming

"A Better Way"

Andy share's personal experience of addiction, the science behind what causes dependencies and the self development required to overcome them. How did Andy then use these learning to gain a Guinness World Record?

When most people think of addiction they think of alcohol and drugs…. But there are so many more things that people can use as a crutch to get that dopamine reward that they so greatly crave. You may not think you have an addiction….but you may learn something about yourself that may stop a future addiction developing.


We talk about brain chemistry and why do people behave as they do. Andy shares psychology principles like the "chimp vs the human brain", explore victim mindset, which is when people pass the blame on to others or to something they have experienced. How can we change this way of thinking so that individuals take responsibility for their own actions, thoughts and feelings? Or make sure our human brain wins the battle vs the chimp?


Andy's talks on addiction and recovery by sharing his own experiences as well as what he learnt through recovery self development and a Guinness World Record. What it takes to achieve an endurance Guinness World record including goal setting and breaking the challenge down into smaller manageable sections. What does it take to build strong mental resilience to keep pushing on and achieve a huge endurance world record? 


We look at:​

  • Different types of addition and how they develop

  • The dopamine reward pathway

  • Mental health and addictions

  • Chimp vs human brain

  • Victim mindset

  • Accepting help

  • Focusing on recovery and the six pillars of health

  • Gratitude, meditation and wellness


Andy is talk is suited to 15+ and young adults to warn them of the dangers of addiction. Andy is available to visit schools, colleges, universities, prisons, youth clubs, works place, sports club etc etc and can tailor his talk to your specific requirements.


Alternatively if objective setting and mental resilience are key for your organisation Andy can tailor his talk about how he approached a huge Guinness World Record and had the mental resilience to keep battling through the elements and tiredness day after day. 

underwater Andy
“A fascinating story, incredibly informative and hard hitting! So much truth, passion and feeling."

Becky Davies

Sports Therapist

“Andy is an inspirational speaker and has achieved the most incredible feat. I am positive his talks will inspire both those with addiction issue and also those with sporting ambition."

Sally-Anne Ware


“Factual, relevant and engaging - you speak from real experience and it shows - from the heart!"

Leigh Witt

School Teacher

“Andy used his experience and knowledge of the science behind addiction to inspire and motivate others. He took us through his struggles, determination, and the techniques he used to overcome his addiction and achieve his goal of completing 70.3 triathlons in one year and receiving the Guinness World Record.

Andy's speaking style is captivating and engaging. He kept the audience enthralled throughout the entire talk and the Q&A session proved his expertise in the field of addiction, goal setting, and determination.

If you're looking for a truly inspirational speaker with an incredible story to tell and the ability to change lives, I highly recommend booking Andy for your next event."

Peter Gregory

Professional Speaking Association - President

“Andy talks with savage authenticity about his journey from despair to world record setter. His talk is scientific, humourous and beautifully honest. Inspirational"

Ed Basset


"Andy is passionate about using his experience to both inform and inspire others, and throughout his incredible challenges and talks he's doing both.

Ben Sutcliffe

Charity Director

More Info on Talks

Prices to suit all budgets

Content adapted to the audience

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